03 January 2010

Day 1: Tangiers - Larache (try out)

Arrived at Tangiers at 4.30pm and exited the port 2 hours later after a lot of waiting for the different parking lots of the ferry to empty, check at customs, paying insurance and this always with a flat back tire on the SH50 and under the rain.

We managed to find a tire shop of in space of 2x2meter sq, paid 3 euros and parted in the dark for Larache about 85kms away. Most part of the road is next to the Atlantic, where during the trip we were also hit by 35 knot wind from the West with rain, sand sprays, and to add up we also had our backpacks on our backs... Should I remind you that I've only done a ride of 6 kms in center Milan up to now.

It took us about 2 and half hours to arrive at Larache and by then I was freezing.
We stayed at a Hotel Malaga which reminded me so much of my childhood in Subang with my grandmother and father.
It was a particular New Years where Red and I cheered for 6 seconds for the change of the year over a glass of Coca Cola. Not that it was that important for me to celebrate but the absurdity of the situation was admirable. There was absolutely no one in the streets and the only party we heard at Restaurant Khay Ahmed, where they serve one of the best 'Pitititu' (Moroccan Satay) in the world, was from the television.
I was just happy to have hot water in the Hotel..


  1. Well done my friends! I'm jealous...
    Be careful, smile, say "Mandish flush" (Red knows what I mean) and all is going to be ok :P

    Take care!

  2. Happy new year my love(s)!
    I was disappointed because this *ç@ìà^+** site didn't work and I would like to know about you two.
    I will follow you every day so let's write and, come on baby, smile, you two are free

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Finally there are news from you....Red and Buleku, welcome in the new year, de hi ho ho :)
    Guys I hope you'll find soon the luckyness you both deserve for the rest of the trip!!! A big bless

  5. All my best wishes for the trip and of course for the new year! keep us posted, we'll send you positive vibes!

  6. Happy New Year to the both of you!!! and seriously what else can go wrong..see? nothing so from now on it will be plain sailing!! I'm so amzed that you're driving in Africa after only a 6 km trip in Milan! Go Chesa!!!!! Baci Caitlin.xxx

  7. I think everyone were amazed of how crazy you are riding the scooter to Africa with only 6km experience in Milan.
    Please be safe, my best regards to Red.
    Your mom who miss you so much...
