29 December 2009

Night shift.....

We were supposed to move the Honda Sh to my mother's garage, because the lorry is coming that place tomorrow morning. So, we decided to both travel on the same bike, with Buleku's ruck.... We'd better not to. The tyre just deflated after about 3 kilometres. We tried to fix it with spray repair foam, but no way. I think we got a big nail or something, and we were too heavy maybe....

So, as the tyre deflated here

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

and we are supposed to arrive here....

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

i feel a BIT disappointed.

Anyway, we managed to walk for a couple of km to the beloved garage, and finished fixing the last few things.

We even decided to use two motorbike trunks because it's really too much to pretend storing all the things we need under the seat or in the front panel.

And, as it was impossible to find the plate to fix the bag properly on the grid, i decided to use 4 screws directly on plastic support....this is a thing i've been waiting to do for ages, don't know why :-)

Now, in 4 hours we'll be ready to put our little motorbikes on the lorry to Genova, hitting the town at 10\10.30 but we have one more task to accomplish: fix the tyre, and it's not that simple. You need to completely remove the exhaust and a couple of other things to have the rear wheel in your hands.

So i'm printing all the Genova's tyre shops for motorbikes, we gonna call on our way, hoping that one of them will be open and ready to do the job.

Tha adventure is starting. 

Hit it.



  1. Più che night shift..night shit...ammazza quante sfighe vi attanagliano! Ma vedo che la preparazione tecnica è pari alla solida ironia con cui le affrontate e quindi vi auguro un grande in bocca al cammello!

  2. Ieri sera poco prima dell'esplosione ho fatto una foto ai 2 piloti+motorello, è nelle mani di RedPilot, spero la metta sul blog presto. Vedrete che un po' di sfiga c'è, ma un po' capiamo anche la gomma...ahahah! adesso mi farete un rito voodoo appena arrivati in AFRICA, aiuto, mi dileguo.....
